Providing professional and compassionate outplacement support during times of organisational restructuring and redundancies

Coaching Support

Career Clarity and Confidence

Avoid legal action and support positive restructure engagement with Positive Mindset and Clarity Coaching. These sessions will help your people to navigate their career journey with confidence following a restructure

Interview Coaching

Interview Skills Preparation

By sharing the secrets of the HR Department and explaining exactly how and what the Hiring Manager wants to hear, a mock interview fully prepares your people for this pivotal stage of their job search process

Career Change Strategy

Action Planning for the Future

We will help your people to recognise their strengths and skills, and understand the right role or career move to make at this stage in their lives. Action Plans and Strategies for Success are a standard part of all Outplacement Services

Resume Writing Services

New Executive Resume

Professional resume writing advice will only go so far. Through our Outplacement Services, your people will also receive a new, high quality Executive Resume to support their job application process